lunes, 30 de enero de 2017

Day 21. Take two characters in your novel who are not together during the course of your story, and write them as a pairing in a fanfic of your novel

The day was cloudy, the rain was near and Kam knew it for how heavy the air turned. She was far from her group because the traces when was following, it was an easy task that whoever from her breed could do it, however she did for the connection she felt with the five breeds.

When the first drop fell, she found a little cave so she took cover immediately. Kam walked to the deepest part looking for menacing cave owners or a place where she could made a fire that didn’t attract visitors from any kind; to her misfortune, the place wasn’t good for it so she just stayed in the depths cursing the water, just how a Children of the Fire could do it.

The night fall and the rain didn’t stopped, Kam was feeling anxious about her people but was more worried of Mynthae because his plan of being in the sight of the Magicless while his companions retrieve some of the Relics.

Her thoughts were interrupted when the echo in the cave made her notice the new arriving. Taking her knife out, Kam walked to the entrance in complete silence observing the shadow of the intruder who was shaking the head for the water in it. Kam noticed, for the type of body, that was a man with some weapons in his belt.

Walking slowly, she approached until he pronounced illegible words that made the water from his clothes levitate until a sphere was formed, he made the sphere went outside where it dissolved. Kam cursed again catching the attention of the crystal.

“You…” while her word sounded as an insult, his was like a sigh. He was Wuem, the leader of the Children of the Water outside from the Home, she saw him a few times in the past before he went to their waterfalls but when she took the leadership in the outside, five years later, she found him so many times without asking for it, that both could read the mood of the other.

“What’s the matter? Your kind loves rain, don’t they?” Kam walked to the depths again, Wuem followed her in silence.

“Of course, but your kind enter the flames because of their love to their father?” and that was what Kam hated the most about those, they’re really wise and loved to play with the words making them look like the people was dumb or falling in a trap.

Kam let a sigh came out trying to keep her rage inside, Mynthae and his sisters always told her that she didn’t need to hate them but it was written on her blood the impatience for them. “Oh, how much I hate you among your people, thanks to The Fire that the Children of the Wind are so strong that kept my soul in peace”

“Speaking of which, Mynthae…”

“Yes, I know it” Kam crossed her arms and rested her back on the wall while closing her eyes.

Without looking she knew that Wuem didn’t feel bad for the response she gave it, she could pictured him with a relaxed expression as if he thought that she couldn’t control her own behavior. Kam’s mood worsened.

For hours the rain kept falling, Kam dozed off some minutes because of the long way she had to travel; even so she felt uneasy for being in the same cave that the crystal, maybe his facade was of a trusting man, gentle and wise, but she couldn’t stand everything of it like it was false.

“What do you expect me to do if you fall sleep? Drown you? I’m not interested in breaking the weak bond of our breeds” he wasn’t watching her, he was the closest to the exit he could, just to listen to the rain noise.

“Not really, I just can’t trust specially you” Kam rested her head on the wall, the anxiety in her grew as the rain increased its intensity. “Then, I’m gonna sleep” surprised by his words, the artisan saw him lay down facing her. “What? Maybe you can’t, but I don’t care”

Wuem closed his eyes leaving Kam without believing what he said and what she saw; either he was too carefree or he really trusted her. For some seconds she really saw him: his blue hair was something she never liked but the crystal likes in it always interested her for the curiosity about how they felt like, he had four in the back of his head and one shiny in the left side of his head; his eyes were the other thing that interested her because of the pale blue in them, at first Kam thought that he was blind, then she considered them as disgusting but lately she believed his eyes looked as the moonlight.

Shaking her head, Kam tried to erase those thoughts. He was a Children of the Water, her natural enemy, and because of that, nothing in him should be interesting.

The night fall while the rain continued, again she dozed off until the cold soaked through her bones making her shrunk while speaking to her Father for warmth. Wuem awakened for the same, Kam felt superior noticing that the crystal embraced himself to keep his own warmth because his element wasn’t useful for that.

“Well… I’m hungry” after saying that, Wuem stood up and walk to the exit, the artisan watched him without saying a word, she distinguished the dry steps from the ones he took under the rain. Somehow she felt calm and lonely, however the feel last until he came back with four fishes hanging from his hand. “Want some?”

He sat in the same spot he was, his body was completely dry as if the rain wasn’t falling outside. “If you can evade the rain, why are you here?”

“If I kept me dry till my group, I would need to rest every five hours” Kam accepted one of the fishes, she used her fire to cook it but when he saw Wuem eating his own raw, she felt so nauseous that walked to him snatching his fish to give him hers. “Never do that again in front of me”.

With genuine surprise in his eyes, he smiled slowly “I won’t ever forget it, be sure of that”. Kam threw him a tiny rock she found beside her, he easily dodged it while biting his food.

They’re finishing their food when the ice started to fall from the sky making the cold increased. Wuem left the cave again after ten minutes the hail started, this time Kam felt more anxious than lonely.

When he came back, he was soaking. Again he shook his body to released the water but this time he almost lost his balance. “Glad that they’re just three” he said while sitting in his usual spot. “Three what?”.

Wuem looked at her, firstly with surprise and then with understanding. “Sorry, I forgot you couldn’t notice it”. Again he embraced himself “Three magicless were near from here, I took care of them”.

She was noticing what was weird with him but when he heard his reasons, the fire in her grew along with her rage. She hated being protected without asking for it, and now that a Children of the Water did it, her pride and honor was dirtied. When she left the cave, the hail had stopped and the rain decreased.

Alone, without caring for the drizzle, she walked as fast as she could. Now she had a debt she never asked and was with the deceiver leader of the crystals; the food was one little thing that paid when she cooked the meat but this was completely different. She could fed her pride keeping the secret to both, but it dirtied her honor so she’d need to speak to him when her anger lowered.

That way she found herself walking to the territory of the crystals four days later. She couldn’t contact him through the normal way the leaders made, so she felt again mad at him for making her show up in his place.

The women called Quia received her while the rest of the crystals stayed at defensive position in the surroundings. “Where’s your leader? Tell him to meet me”. The woman looked troubled, at first Kam thought it was for her bossy behavior. “Our leader is on the Waterfalls, I doubt he would be able to meet you”

“Why is it? Tell that coward to came out or I will go”. The murmurings from the crystals almost made her smile knowing how offensive her words were. “Follow me then, he said this could happen”

Kam followed her till the waterfalls were she made her wait while Quia went for her leader inside of their all home. Every minute it passed, her angry grew until he showed along with his subordinate who left him to return to their group.

All the words and insults she thought were forgotten when she noticed the state of Wuem. He sat in the first dry rock he found in the woods, he was sick and weak. His eyes were red, his skin pale and the coughs came out quite frequently. “What? The water made you sick?”

“Ironic, isn’t it?” he smiled weakly. “I’m sorry for this kind of view but I guessed that you wouldn’t be calm if I told you to come back later”. Again her fire grew inside of her, all the control she worked out the past days, broke. “Stop that! You don’t know me and I don’t need your help or anything from you or your kind; I kept the peace just for the whisperers but when the breeds separate again, I’m gonna crush you”.

“Then let me know you”. For a second her rage decreased with the upcoming confusion his words created; Wuem was the serious his sickness let him be. “What?” she asked trying to cool down.
“Let me know you” he stood up and walked again to the waterfalls. “Come”.

Her pride made her stay in the same place until a unknown reason made her follow him inside of the home of their ancestors. She finally understood the meaning of her interest in some parts of him, however she wasn’t still sure of it. At least that’s how it was the first three months.

1 comentario:

  1. Este ship me gustó, más porque ella es bien enojona :'D De verdad necesita a alguien tan sereno como Wuem para soportarle ese carácter.
