miércoles, 25 de enero de 2017

Day 20. Take a secondary character, and write a one-page synopsis of his or her or hir story, during the course of the novel. What’s going on with this person that we might not have to know about?

For this one I chose Altea, a Magicless, but I’m not so sure about what does the part ‘that we might not have to know about’ means. Either way I’m doing the synopsis about him.

As I said, Altea is a full Magicless; he born in a family of farmers which is common that they live outside of the walls that protects communities of rich Magicless. He grew learning about his parents job because he was supposed to follow them; however, when he was ten years old, a group of Vigilants passed between their fields in order to reunite with the rich ones who were looking for protection for a trip.

The end of that trip left four of the Vigilants in the community with the new job about training of the Magicless servants. Altea went to all the sessions and watched from outside because he was too young but he never lost his time, he trained alone until he was fourteen. He left his family and went looking for one of the Vigilants squads or someone who told him where to join them. His search led him to some dangerous situations till, one day, he was found by them and had the opportunity to show them his worthy.

In the middle of the central forest, Altea found himself surrounded by a little group of antiques trying to look like thieves; it was when he discovered them that he started to fight back instead of running. Being alone was able to just kill one and disable three till the help appeared in the moment he was almost losing. The Vigilants saved and praised him for his strength and good sense to differentiate the antiques of the magicless so they asked him to become one of them; he didn’t need to think about it.

After that he trained as hard as possible to became one of the best fighters at his young age, that way he won his place as the right hand of Histch, the leader of the second division of the Vigilants. His achievements increased by the time.

When he was eighteen, he was considered the new prospect of leadership, however he couldn’t care less about it because his only goal was to trap all the antiques and bring peace to his people who were tormented by the lonely thought of the madness, disrespect and criminal actions of the nine breeds, at least the survivors of the ones who killed their people one hundred and sixteen years ago.

One day, after losing a battle against an antique and almost losing his master Histch, he was entrusted with the task of hunting down that miserable antique, seize and bring him to his master in order to force the strong bastard to fight for the magicless while killing his own people.

Altea started his journey through the vast continent pursuing the antique called Mynthae, without caring for the lives lost in the persecution, just blaming them on the antique, he fought him over and over again angering every time the murder and destruction appeared after every step his prey gave.

Until one day, seven months afterwards his task was set, Mynthae couldn’t run anymore. Altea found himself angry because of the weakness of the man who stopped the chase and sad because if he wasn’t a antique, they could have been good friends.

1 comentario:

  1. Más que amigos~
    Gracias a este challenge sé más sobre Altea!
    Lo que entendí del challenge es que, como es un personaje secundario, no hay tantas cosas importantes que el lector deba saber, así que la razón de este apartado es para que le des un trasfondo al personaje (Y lo hiciste muy bien~)
