lunes, 8 de junio de 2020

8. Turn left

The silence between you prevails for a bit longer than before, this time the protector even turned around to see if he was still there, and he was, just drinking in silence, with his eyes fixed in nothing.

He couldn’t know what made him asked about those exact situations, neither if was speaking about himself or someone else. Still, he wasn´t feeling as curious as to ask, he could relate of the time he had so many questions to ask, those that pop-up in his mind without apparent reason, and he knew how uncomfortable would made him feel when he didn’t have any way to explain it.

“Want something to drink?” finally asked the boy when he got up.

“No, thanks, I don’t like either alcohol or coffee,” the protector answered absently, he was a bit focused in the song that was playing from one of the establishments. Until he heard a laugh came from the guy he had at his side, making him turned left to watch what was making him be so loud, noticing that he was still looking at him.

“So you decided to come to a place where the only thing they sell are drinks made of alcohol and coffee, even if you don’t drink any?” At that point he was hugging his stomach, people around look at him as if they wanted to know what was so funny so they could laugh too, but when they just saw the other guy looking so confused, they lost interest.

“For a reason I’m not inside those places and only here,” the protector answered when the other’s laugh started to cease.

“Well they have teas, weird fruits drinks, coke and other stuff, I guess.” He went back to seat at his side, watching from there to some of the menus of the locals. The action made Teshal give a faint smile before he stood up.

“Maybe another day, I’m not feeling like tasting nothing right now, thanks.” He started walking from where he came from, he still didn’t want to go back to the House, so he wanted to be at the shore for a bit. However he quickly noticed the same guy was still following him, now without his glass. “What? Are you gonna stab me or just rob me? I don’t even have my phone with me”

What he said made the guy laugh again, putting on his sweatshirt hood to walk at his side. “Man, relax, I like the way you see the things, at least what you said before so now I’m curious…” They walked that way for some minutes, less than five till he spoke again “Wait… are you maybe the thief here? I didn’t bring my prone either and the money for my drink was everything I had in me” He showed how his pockets were empty.

“Do I look like a thief?”

“Well, you’re more covered than me, either you’re a celebrity, someone with low self-esteem or a thief” He was referring about his mask, his cap covering his hair and the hood he had on, even though they were near the cost, where those clothing were far from a normal outfit. “But I don’t care who are you or if you’re gonna kill me right here, I just feel comfortable around you.”

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