jueves, 18 de junio de 2020

17. Pump

Fortunately, his week was as busy as always, so he didn’t need to distract himself from his mixed feelings. Although he felt a bit more relaxed when talking to the media and stuff, making him even stop after some trainings to hear a bit of the people’s encouragement.

He wasn’t sure if the next time he goes to the group reunion would be again on Sunday or another day, he needed to feel like going, or else, it wouldn’t be enjoyable. For that reason, the next day after meeting them, he bought his wig and eye contacts for his new disguise.

Before, he had already tried to use illusions to cover his identity, but none was natural, nor easily maintained. He made a lot of test in his days off in the first two months with his family, he wanted to know if going out while covering himself was possible, however all those tries were unsuccessful. Because it was always evident something was over him, and in a place where superpowers were nonexistent, it was weirder.

With the one that was almost perfect, he needed to have all his focus in it, he couldn’t stop thinking in any detail because it could make the illusion distort. He really tried with eagerness, he really wanted to be out without all the clothes he needed to hide his identity. However, he had long gave up on it until meeting with the group, now he only hoped the wig wouldn’t be too unnatural or uncomfortable.

His purchase was expected to arrive on Saturday, same that sent to his aunt ‘s house so no one could connect it with him directly. Sometimes he let his family’s paranoia won over him.

That way he went to his training session in the mountain. This time he stopped in the edge of the small lake that had the mountain. He never used that place to train because it wasn’t high enough to people not to notice his explosive trainings, but now that he didn’t need to do nothing too flashy, he went and seated with his feet inside the water.

Practically he was fiddling around, his trainer wanted him to try with his resistance to extreme environments. He should be on top of the mountain, working out where the oxygen was scarce, where the freezing wind was higher. It was what he did in the past three weeks, but now he wanted to try something new, even if he didn’t discuss before with his trainer, it was something that came up to his mind while explaining his powers in front of another group of kids.

He couldn’t control any of the elements (fire, water, earth, wind) per se, instead he could control temperature and pressure. That’s what allowed him to not die from a heatstroke with all that his disguise was. Apart of his unique ability to mess up with gravity of a single target.

For some time, he has wondered about so many ideas of what to do it the enemy were to try drowning him. The fastest answer came from his trainers saying that he needed to train his resistance and time without the need of air. Hence his training up in the mountain and some other times when they really tried to drown him.

What a girl asked was if he could made fire inside ice or ice inside of fire, but because he didn´t control them, it was something impossible. It was after that, he thought about freezing the water in a bubble form and, then, evaporate what’s inside to create a room for him to breath if needed. It was as difficult as it sounded, because while bathing he tried sometimes to do it, ending with a useless result.

With more time and a bigger water surface, he could make better test in his theory. Freezing the water was some of the first things he trained, but doing it in a specific shape and quantity was completely different than putting a finger in the surface and control how much he wanted freeze.

So, after coming at dawn to the mountain because he was kind of pumped up about his own ideas, it was until pass three in the afternoon that he was able to form the round sphere of solid ice. Its edges were rough and the interior was barely seen, however he could do it quicker as the first try. Having to direct the decreasing temperature the way he wanted to make it had a form was really a difficulty he wanted to be praised for.

Now with the icy sphere on his hands, he started to concentrate in the raising warmth of his hands, which at first made the sphere started to melt. To prevent it to go to waste, he forced himself to have cold in his left hand while the right one was still redirecting the warmth to the inside of the ice. Once again, the challenge was real, it was like having to move up and down one hand while the other went from right to left. Before, he wasn’t one of the people with the most coordination in his actions, even when swimming sometimes it was too troublesome do some exercises in which coordination was the key.

It was already dark when he got to do it right from beginning to end in less than 5 minutes, which still was too much time when he was able to barely maintain his breath under the water for one minute. But following his trainer’s teachings, desperate situations helped him to come up with faster solutions.

With that in mind, he left his outer clothes in the shore before entering in the water. Deep in the lake were some roots, same he used to tie a rope which tied him up to prevent his body to float. From one side, the rope was around his waist, it went under the loop of the root and ended in his wrist so he could get free in an emergency. To breath when it was inevitable, he brought a snorkel to be under the water as much as possible.

Before fear and doubts filled his head, he started his practice. It wasn’t easy at all, which was important because when the occasion presents, it wouldn’t be easy either if his life was truly at stake. His body was moving so much in its attempts to float; so his mind was distracted between the lacking of air, his body’s instability and keeping his hand forming the ice sphere, that even before thinking in having half freezing and half warming abilities.

But his determination to achieve it was even greater than his body getting cold and wrinkled for staying so much time under water. He even didn’t notice when the night fell and the sun came out again until someone else entered in the water.

“What the fuck with you?” asked his military trainer after he cut the rope and took him out of the water.

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