lunes, 29 de junio de 2020

27. Markers

After a year since he became the Protector, the trainer who taught him about how to control his powers and about the abilities of the past protectors, decided to retire. After being the last close person to the protectors who lived since eighty years ago, it was natural, although he always offered new advices, more in the training area, so the protector could mentally prepare for what he should do when the new ones get older enough.

And six months later, when his popularity started to cool down, he decided to go back to work. At first it had to be from his home, doing reviews in some new formulas and reports about the new discoveries that had to be tested; he missed working in a laboratory, but that was the only solution they all could find until his popularity were to die down a little bit more.

He still could be driven in, as his brother, but they knew the people in his workplace would be too distracted or too inhibit with him there, so the people of the company decided to give him that job until they see it could be changed.

The main reason of why he wanted to go back wasn’t because the increasing of free time he had after his training sessions were decreased, it was, too, because he wanted to have his own money. Not the money his family spent on him in gifts, nor the one the government gave him, making him feel as if he was receiving it without doing anything in exchange, so he didn’t spend the money in the things he liked, just to help his family with their daily basics.

Two weeks after he started his new job, it was announced in the media, giving only the name of the pharmaceutical company but not the address. The same day, he went to the group’s reunion site, everyone was talking about it and how cool it was that the protector’s major was chemist and not something more boring. Trying to ignore all the comments and effusiveness, he helped Pious with his homework using his markers to give some colors to his mind map, whatever that could help him go unnoticed when he wasn’t contributing with the praise.

However, when Orange arrived, all of them surrounded her to ask her if she had seen him, because she worked for the same company. Once again, the protector felt like concealing his identity even more, although he didn’t have nothing to use. Luckily, Orange was part of the persons who weren’t in contact with his working area. He was still safe.

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