miércoles, 14 de diciembre de 2016

Day 9. Put two characters from the novel you intend to write who do not have a scene together in a scene together.

The day was foggy, the animals in the woods were too sleepy for the lack of light, because of that the surroundings were quiet. Mynthae walked alone, he took off his shoes because with them he was noisier; he was wondering how much of the truth Atne told him about if Emisya and Vonaxie were mad or not, he couldn’t help but feeling ungrateful with her after all the things she did for him but the reason of his departure was stronger than the reasons to stay.

Besides that, his mind was busy with the threat the Magicless yelled to him, the truce with the Shields, his worries about his sister and people, his fear and anger to The Organization which changed and kidnapped him and The War.

He sat in the first fallen tree he found, all the silence in the woods couldn’t reach his mind because of his own noises so he took a moment to rest and calm himself. Mynthae drank a little bit of water, then he closed his eyes and let his soul reach the tranquility of his surroundings while trying to understand, again, the wind.

Little by little the Child of the Wind heard the voice of his element father, the unknown noise took the form of a man’s voice until it became a image which left Mynthae really surprised because of the thought that he felt asleep.

“Who are you?” without caring about the weird scenery around them, Mynthae stay tense while examining the man in front of him. His gray hair and eyes made the boy thought of him like a whisperer however he couldn’t remember who exactly was.

“My name is Rael, who are you?” the name that left his lips surprised the warrior making his body loosen up a bit. “You can be serious… Rael died years ago…”

The man look troubled for a second and, even, hurt for his words until he let a half smile showed “Then, maybe, this is my payment for giving up and killing… I did so much harm for my personal reasons, I endangered the people I swore to defend”

“Not as much as I did and I would do” finally Mynthae relaxed his body, everything around him looked again like the forest in which he fell asleep so he returned to the fallen tree. “I’m Mynthae, son of the… no, I am the Five Breeds’ leader, yet I’m wandering around far from them without knowing if they’re safe or not because I don’t know how to come back to them and I don’t know anymore how to whisper”

“Why? What happened to you and who did it?” Rael sat down in the same tree, his face showed true concern for the boy he was seeing.

Without knowing if he had time enough for it, Mynthae gave him the summary of the last years of his life and a bit more of the past after the death of the hero. “I’m sure the moment I return home they'll make me kill them or something… but I can't leave them alone… at the same time I’m scared because they won’t recognize me and if they know what I’d done…”

“They trust you, they trust your strength, your intelligence, your heart; I’m sure they’ll understand why you did everything or why you didn’t, you’re their hero either way if you go back now or after defeating the Magicless” all the knowledge that old hero won in battles alongside the pain, was shown in his eyes, Mynthae saw his own eyes in those and then he believed why they thought he would be the new hero.

“My people used to call me Tael… it made me angry thinking I couldn’t be as strong or marvelous as you…” the man patted his shoulder three times with a sad smile “As much as you don’t believe my words, I used to think they overestimated me, and I still do”

“My friend used to say that was the modesty which all strong people needed” his smile was lively even with the pain of the memories from his death friend and family brought to him. “I wish you the best, Tael, let the wind guide your way back home and strengthen your sword”

When Rael spoke as the wind, Mynthae understood it like when his memories were complete, the whispers healed his soul making him feel calm and warm when he awoke back in the woods.

1 comentario:

  1. Ahora sé que no tendrán una escena juntos :'D
    Pero las palabras de Rael le servirían mucho a Mynthae... y aw le dijo Tael!!
