miércoles, 28 de diciembre de 2016

Day 12. Write a one page synopsis of your story if it were a completely different genre than the one you’ve planned

As if this fantasy story were a science fiction story, the plot wouldn’t change complete. Just like this:
In a distant world where the science and technology evolved until the human was able to travel among the stars from galaxy to galaxy, a war started. Like always, humans full of curiosity left their homes in order to find new territory and to discover that they’re not alone in the great universe around them.

That way they found in the nearest galaxy nine planets. Those planets were in war already for reasons the humans discovered later. When the habitants from those planets tried an exchange of their best products and materials, the jealousy grew bigger in the ones that have less so the ships stopped the peaceful relations to battle with the intention to conquer the richest planets and fulfill their lacks.

When the humans found this war, they stayed at the limits watching their tactics, analyzing their power and empowering their own ships to make them stronger than theirs. In more than thirty years they did it, even if one of the species noticed them and left the battle just to cover.

With their force strengthen, the humans beat the species one by one. First the one that discovered them: the Dream Hunters, then the nearest ones: the Children of the Water, the Healers were the thirds and the Children of the Fire the fourths.

The remaining people flight to hide on the smaller planets or in the main planets which weren’t their first home. The humans pursued them for more than a century, great part of the ones they captured were sent to a planet, previously conquered and converted in a big jail and arena where humans made the different species fight till death. Besides, their other objective of the “purge” was to obtain the strongest weapons each species created for the war.

Was in one of the hunts that the humans captured Mynthae when he saved his people sacrificing himself. Because he was part of the rarest species, the Children of the Wind, they took him to study everything about them and modified him in order to make him a useful and obedient warrior, however the mechanism his people used in him provoked that he forgot every secret, that’s why they sold him to The War, the jail-planet.

In one of the shutdowns of The War, caused by the Vigilant humans, he was resold to another human in order to serve as a protector. In that new place is where he met Emisya, a half-breed of a human and someone from the species; she helped him to flee serving as a pilot. She convinced him to rise against the humans, to expelled or kill them for the freedom of the species.

Traveling among the nine planets, founding survivors, allies and new enemies their journey and adventure started. Mynthae decided to follow the girl desire while looking for his own people, Emisya learnt about the reality outside her planet and the lives of the species; some months later Vonaxie joined them full of knowledge and with connections with other species aiming to avenge his own people that were murdered three years ago. Another help they will have is from Jhuwen, a rebel from the Shields who despise Mynthae but with someone to kill he is at peace with them supporting in his own way.

jueves, 22 de diciembre de 2016

Day 11. Write one page synopsis of your story

For years nine breeds lived in peace and independence knowing a little about the others; everyone of them centered their own life to take care of the place in which they born and satisfied the desires of their elements.

In the north, where the River of Fire solidifies, the Children of the Fire you could find; at the northeast the Healers washed themselves on the Spring from the thawing; in the east the Children of the Water tamed the Crystal Falls; in the southeast, where the darkest forest loses you, the Dream Hunters were found; from the south the wind flow took care of you thanks to the Children of the Wind; from the southwest the Ferals were running free; going to the west the trees guided you to the Children of the Earth; at the northwest the Shields lived in the Ice Caves; and in the center the Bones watched.

The individuality began to change when the Ferals and the Children of the Earth started an exchange, the other breeds felt curious and, some, accepted the idea so they tried. In almost  ten years the breeds knew each other’s habits and lifestyle; however, as much as the knowledge grew, the jealousy did as well when some breeds realized their own lacking and the richness from others.

The War between the breeds started. For more than thirty years they killed each other, with some peaceful ones running away from the conflicts, until the new menace was foresaw for the Dream Hunters forcing them to hide between their woods.

When the Magicless came it was too late for the breeds. Those humans appeared with the only desire and objective to take all the land and subjugated the first men there. With their destructive weapons, their inexcusable lack of respect for the nature and their own laws, they vanished the Dream Hunters. Then, one by one, tamed the breeds, forcing them to hide or to die.

Only after one hundred and sixteen years later, the race for the search of the relics started. The nine relics were the weapons created for the war of the breeds, those ancient weapons increased the power of the bearer so they were an unique object the Magicless wanted.

While the Magicless lost their time and power looking for those, two Antiques took the challenge to free the breeds and safe them. Enduring the pain the Magicless provoked in the last leader of the Children of the Wind, learning the atrocities the Magicless did and do to the breeds, discovering the origin of a half-breed, making alliances with the surviving breeds and fighting in a world full of magic, the new heroes will live an adventure without turning back.

Follow the four youngsters who will start a revolution against the thieves of their past. Mynthae was taken from his home to be converted in a puppet and warrior for the Magicless while forcing him to break his people rules; Emisya is half Magicless and half Antique without knowledge of the reality with the breeds but full of curiosity about their past; Vonaxie is from the last annihilated breed, the Bones, so he’ll help them while looking for his revenge at the same time that fulfill his thirst for knowledge; and Jhuwen, a Shield expelled from his village who spent his time killing both Magicless and Antiques owned by Magicless.

lunes, 19 de diciembre de 2016

Day 10. Describe the last time your antagonist did something good for some else

This is kinda hard because the antagonists in this story are the justice from another point of view. I mean, the Antiques or the Breeds are the victims from their view but are the killers and beasts from Magicless’ view; the same goes about the Magicless.

That’s why I’m going to use a boy who is bad for both Magicless and Antiques. Jhuwen is part of the Shields, however he grew up to become a thief and murderer so his leader expelled him, and others like him, from his village.

The last time he did something good, at least before the start of my story, was when he was six years old. His father died two years before, and that special day his mother was selected to be part of the energy core, which was like a dead sentence because to create the barrier that covered the Shield’s villages was needed energy from their people.

When Jhuwen knew this, he burned in fury and started to attack the ones who tried to separated from his mother. He really did everything he could at that age to save his beloved mother. Because he couldn’t he became that rebellious trying to end with that leadership which killed her. It was 20 year old when he finally did and took revenge.

miércoles, 14 de diciembre de 2016

Day 9. Put two characters from the novel you intend to write who do not have a scene together in a scene together.

The day was foggy, the animals in the woods were too sleepy for the lack of light, because of that the surroundings were quiet. Mynthae walked alone, he took off his shoes because with them he was noisier; he was wondering how much of the truth Atne told him about if Emisya and Vonaxie were mad or not, he couldn’t help but feeling ungrateful with her after all the things she did for him but the reason of his departure was stronger than the reasons to stay.

Besides that, his mind was busy with the threat the Magicless yelled to him, the truce with the Shields, his worries about his sister and people, his fear and anger to The Organization which changed and kidnapped him and The War.

He sat in the first fallen tree he found, all the silence in the woods couldn’t reach his mind because of his own noises so he took a moment to rest and calm himself. Mynthae drank a little bit of water, then he closed his eyes and let his soul reach the tranquility of his surroundings while trying to understand, again, the wind.

Little by little the Child of the Wind heard the voice of his element father, the unknown noise took the form of a man’s voice until it became a image which left Mynthae really surprised because of the thought that he felt asleep.

“Who are you?” without caring about the weird scenery around them, Mynthae stay tense while examining the man in front of him. His gray hair and eyes made the boy thought of him like a whisperer however he couldn’t remember who exactly was.

“My name is Rael, who are you?” the name that left his lips surprised the warrior making his body loosen up a bit. “You can be serious… Rael died years ago…”

The man look troubled for a second and, even, hurt for his words until he let a half smile showed “Then, maybe, this is my payment for giving up and killing… I did so much harm for my personal reasons, I endangered the people I swore to defend”

“Not as much as I did and I would do” finally Mynthae relaxed his body, everything around him looked again like the forest in which he fell asleep so he returned to the fallen tree. “I’m Mynthae, son of the… no, I am the Five Breeds’ leader, yet I’m wandering around far from them without knowing if they’re safe or not because I don’t know how to come back to them and I don’t know anymore how to whisper”

“Why? What happened to you and who did it?” Rael sat down in the same tree, his face showed true concern for the boy he was seeing.

Without knowing if he had time enough for it, Mynthae gave him the summary of the last years of his life and a bit more of the past after the death of the hero. “I’m sure the moment I return home they'll make me kill them or something… but I can't leave them alone… at the same time I’m scared because they won’t recognize me and if they know what I’d done…”

“They trust you, they trust your strength, your intelligence, your heart; I’m sure they’ll understand why you did everything or why you didn’t, you’re their hero either way if you go back now or after defeating the Magicless” all the knowledge that old hero won in battles alongside the pain, was shown in his eyes, Mynthae saw his own eyes in those and then he believed why they thought he would be the new hero.

“My people used to call me Tael… it made me angry thinking I couldn’t be as strong or marvelous as you…” the man patted his shoulder three times with a sad smile “As much as you don’t believe my words, I used to think they overestimated me, and I still do”

“My friend used to say that was the modesty which all strong people needed” his smile was lively even with the pain of the memories from his death friend and family brought to him. “I wish you the best, Tael, let the wind guide your way back home and strengthen your sword”

When Rael spoke as the wind, Mynthae understood it like when his memories were complete, the whispers healed his soul making him feel calm and warm when he awoke back in the woods.

viernes, 9 de diciembre de 2016

Day 8. Dreamcast your novel. At least three characters, who should play them, and why?

I definitely don’t like this one… I just can't imagine them like my characters and I don´t know why…

1. Emily Bett Rickards. She could be one of my main characters named Emisya because… she has that strong, yet feminine, look in her eyes, and her smile is kind.

2. Mila Kunis. I imagined her like the foster mother of Emisya, I don’t know but she looks mysterious as she is.

3. Ben Whishaw. He could have the roll of Vonaxie, another of the main characters just because his hair looks like my character… and his smile looks accurate for him.

lunes, 5 de diciembre de 2016

Day 6. Ten images or objects that describe your novel, and how they fit into the story

I’m not so happy with this day request because I don’t want to use images that could be stolen and all of that. I tried giving the page source (in the post on Tumblr) but I still feel it like wrong so I want to apologize, before anything, for using this images.

This one is because the main setting is a forest, almost everywhere you go in there is part of this big forest in which my story takes place. 

However with this one I want to show you that it’s not a normal forest because in this world the magic runs everywhere. 

But not everything is forest, there’s too a great prairie like this.

A really big waterfall more or less like this one.

A breed used to live in tree houses like this.

Some others lived in ice caves like this.

The crazy fire people even lived in the slope of a volcano like this one.

There’re a lot of more landscapes I wanted to use here, yet I have another thing to show you.

The war. It started between the breeds and “ended” it with the Magicless stealing their lands and freedom. Every day in that world is a battle even if most of them are trying to hide themselves.

A great part of the places where the Antiques used to live are now ruins whereas the poeple try to live hiding.

But even among the ruins and sadness, the magic still flows with them so the freedom is not a dream anymore.

The Magicless made their living in lands that are not theirs, thus the true owners will take back what they had.