miércoles, 22 de febrero de 2017

Day 26. Write an alternative instigating action. If what starts the momentum of your story hadn’t happened, what would your character’s life be like?

This’ll be fun and because the university inscription is on my nerves, I’m gonna do it directly~

Mynthae was practicing with the other members of the Special Group of Warriors, the most powerful and the ones who were supposed to protect the leader family following they exact orders. Her older sister, Lezkir, was out with a group of the best whisperers who included her best friend and the Sage heir, Romsra.

Meanwhile the younger sister, Nemyr, was helping her father to settle the official task of the leadership concerning their people. That work was always part of him because their mother always preferred the manual work giving advices, watching the trainings and testing the ones who ended their training; it was normal that Mynthae helped her but that day she needed him with the others.

The Magicless invaded their world 114 years ago, but after the murder of the Bones, they settled down a bit after it so the Children of the Wind were sure their lives would be peaceful among the Children of the Water, the Children of the Fire, the Healers and the Ferals until the war restarted.

It definitely would be boring… maybe in some other part of the story the Magicless would break on their territory so, in the end, Mynthae has to fight, no matter what.

Day 25. Write about something your character believes is true that is not

My first thougth of this was Mynthae thinking that if the breeds free themselves and run from the magicless, they’d let them alone. Or Emisya thinking that the Antiques and the Magicless can live together if one leave the other alone.

As you can see, I’m a negative person but the former ideas were because I know those magicless, they invaded the breeds just because they could and because they wanted a new world for them. Even if the Antiques show they true power, the magicless would search for ways to subjugate them again and make them pay with blood.

So I’m having hard times making the end of this story…

lunes, 13 de febrero de 2017

Day 24. Write about yourself as a writer. Which genres do you work in. When did you start writing? When do you write? Why?

Well… I’ve been writing since I was 11 years old. I get the influence from my brother who was starting to write too, he used to tell me what he was plotting, so I felt that I could made my own worlds and stuff. I was really bad at it, however my constant practice had made me improve.

The most I write is fantasy because I have like an obsession with the travels among worlds and with magic powers/ abnormal abilities. However I’d written “normal” stories. I’ve written 37 stories (some with ending, some incomplete, two cancelled) and I have two more planned from start to end but just in my head and two in ideas. And some short things from there to here(?).

I write because it calms me, I discovered that having a story in my mind let me ease my thoughts or, even, understand myself. Many of my characters are like me because I didn’t know too many people to make them different but now I think I’m doing it fine (or so I hope). There was a time I couldn’t write dad or daddy because I felt disgusting the word (you can imagine why), but with the time I learnt that those characters weren’t me, they were they and those were their stories so I started to write more and more things.

Practically I write when I can. I can say that I write every day or at least five times at week. I write in my cellphone, in my notebooks while taking classes, in my notebook from my room, in the computer and in my mind while trying to sleep~ It’s true! I never stopped writing unless I’m in a block, I have to concentrate in school or someone is watching(?).

Day 23.Who are you most afraid will read it? How will you face that fear?

I’m afraid of whoever read it, I’m not confident in my skills or my creativity even of how much I talk about it. I will face it letting someone read it and waiting for that person opinion. Maybe.

miércoles, 1 de febrero de 2017

Day 22. Which character in your novel is the one you’re most worried will be misunderstood by readers?

That'd be Pesto or Altea. The first one because he’s an Antique helping (or doing work for) the magicless that includes chasing Mynthae, the protagonist. And Altea because the story is told by the antiques perspective, giving them the importance so maybe people wouldn’t understand him as human as he is or the other side of the war.